Our Annual Meeting 2024
The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be held in church on Sunday 12 May 2024 at 11:00am.
There are two meetings that morning. The first is a joint meeting of the parishioners (people on the church electoral roll and people resident in the parish whose names are on the local government register of electors). The sole purpose of this meeting is to elect two Churchwardens (who serve for one year at a time). The second meeting is the annual meeting, known as the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). Every lay person whose name is on our electoral roll is entitled to attend and vote.
These are important meetings, Please participate if you are able. The annual meetng is your chance to ask questions and voice your opinion.
Please click on the following links for the Annual Report for 2023 and the Agenda, Minutes and Reports for the APCM 2024.
Annual Report 2023 APCM 12 May 2024 - Agenda, Minutes and Reports
PCC vacancies
There are 10 vacancies to be filled on the PCC this year. Terms of office will vary. Five vacancies are for 3 years (until 2027), two vacancies are for 2 years (until 2026), and three vacancies are for 1 year (until 2025). If six or more people are elected, lots will be drawn to determine their respective periods of office. Please consider standing for election.
Nominees must be at least sixteen years of age, actual communicants, and have been on the electoral roll of this parish for at least the preecding 6 months. Any questions about the electoral roll should be directed to Elaine Chambers, the Electoral Roll Officer (admin@stwulframs.com); 01476 561342).
PCC members are charity trustees, and all new trustees are required to sign various declarations - further information can be found on the nomination form. DBS clearance is required upon appointment, and PCC members must undertake the required Church of England safeguarding training as soon as possible (the prescribed courses are completed online).
If you have anuy questions about serving on the PCC, please speak to Fr Stuart or Fr Clay, to the Churchwardens (Mel Fletcher and Mike Knight; email churchwardens@stwulframs.com) or contact the PCC Secretary (Judith Muskett - email pccsecretary@stwulframs.com).
PCC Meetings
The PCC usually meets at least six times a year. PCC meetings have been scheduled on the following dates at 7:30pm: Thursday 23 May 2024, Tuesday 16 July 2024, Tuesday 24 September 2024, Thursday 21 November 2024, Tuesday 21 January 2025, Tuesday 11 March 2025, and Sunday 6 April 2025 (prior to the APCM on Sunday 18 May 2025). Meetings usually last about one and a half hours. The agenda and papers are circulated electronically beforehand. Meetings are usually held in the Great Hall at Grantham House.
Nomination forms
Nomination forms for Churchwardens and PCC members are available on the website on on request from the Parish Office (admin@stwulframs.com). The forms contain an eligibility declaration for signature. The deadline for the return of completed forms (with proposer and seconder, each of whom must be on our electoral roll) is Thursday 9 May 2024. If you wish to stand for election, do please complete and submit a nomination form by that date.
Completed nomination forms can be sent to The Parish Office, Grantham House, 45 Castlegate, Grantham, NG31 6SS, or emailed as attachments to admin@stwulframs.com.
Please click here for the nomination form for Churchwarden Please click here for the nomination form for PCC Member
PCC Sub-groups
Each PCC member serves on at least one of the seven PCC Sub-groups. The current Chairs are listed below:
Children and Youth (Chair: Laura Cradduck)
Creation Care (Chair: Frances Roundtree)
Fabric (Chair: John Manterfield)
Finance (Chair: Paul Davie)
Licence Management (Chair: To be appointed)
Mission and Social Responsibility (Interim Chair: Mike Knight)
Social (Chair: Cherry Edwards)
PCC members will be invited to express a preference before sub-group memberships are settled.
Each sub-group usually meets at least three or four times a year. Dates will be announced in due course.
Interested in serving on a Sub-group, but not on the PCC?
The membershop of the Sub-groups for 2025-2025 will comprise PCC mmebrs and members of the church community. If you are not on the PCC but might be interested in serving on a Sub-group, please speak to the relevant Chair (who will be able to answer any questions) and or Fr Stuart or Fr Clay.
Electoral Roll
Prior to the APCM the Electoral Roll is revised. If you are not sure if you are on the Electoral Roll (which was completed renewed in 2019) but would like to be there are paper forms in church on the notice board by the old office or please fill in the online form which can be found HERE. The deadline to submit forms is Thursday, 25 April 2024. No names can be added after this date and before the APCM.