Supporting Our Parish

The Parish Giving Scheme

St Wulfram’s Church is registered with the Parish Giving Scheme which allows you to give to our church securely and safely online. Please click 'Regular Giving' to set up a monthly, quarterly, or annual Direct Debit. There are no processing fees, and you remain in control of your gift. Alternatively make a payment for a ‘One-Off Gift’ as a single gift using your Debit, Credit Card or Apple/Google Pay wallet. St Wulfram’s will be charged a small transaction fee to cover the costs of processing.
If you have been thinking of setting up a regular donation to St Wulfram’s, and haven't quite got round to it, the Parish Giving Scheme are now able to set up regular donations for St Wulfram’s by phone – just call 0333 002 1271 .
It will take about 15 minutes to do, and all you need is to be able to give them your bank account details so they can set up the Direct Debit, confirm whether you want to Gift Aid your donations. Tell them it’s for St Wulfram's, and quote our parish reference number
You can also set up regular donations or make a one-off payment via the Parish Giving Scheme’s website:
If you have any questions about regular giving, please email
The work within St Wulfram's parish and community is reliant on people’s generosity, a generosity that is a hallmark of a lived-out faith and a testament to it. We gather both in person for services in church as well as virtually, offering practical support to the vulnerable and caring for our communities. Your donation allows us to continue doing God's ministry and mission.
If you are able to give more at this time, simply click on the link below to make your donation.

More ways of giving - Givt

St Wulfram’s Church is using Givt as an additional way of giving. Givt is an app that allows you to participate in the collection anytime and anywhere. Whether you are watching the online broadcast from your sofa at home or have no cash with you during church service. With Givt you can just keep giving. Open the app, choose how much you want to give, choose how you want to give, and you’re done! Your gift is anonymous, only Givt know who has given and how much they have given.
Giving with Givt via a QR code works as follows:
1.During the collection moment, open the Givt app, as usual
2. Choose the amount you want to give and press next
3. Then choose the second option in your screen: QR code (enter by means of a QR code)
4. Scan the QR code with your camera (Note! The app may request permission to access your camera. Press OK to continue)
5. Finally, press Next to complete the gift
Giving without a QR code or transmitter nearby? Even then!
Follow the steps below for giving from the list.
1. Open the app
2. Choose the amount you want to give.
3. Then choose the third option, give from the List
4. Enter St Wulfram Grantham in the search bar
5. Select the church you want to give to and tap on give at the bottom of your screen!
6. Finally, press Next to complete the gift.
When we are back together in church for our services you will still be able to give using Givt.
If you are a UK tax payer you can click in the app to have your donation automatically gift aided. This allows Givt to reclaim a further 25% from the UK government and they (Givt) do this automatically and pass the gift aid directly to us without any further administration on our side. Using Givt in this way, the church never knows who donated or the amount. Only Givt know the identity of any giver.
You can download the Givt app from Google Play or the App Store from the links below. For more information about Givt, visit .

If you have any questions about regular giving, please email