Online Prayer and Worship Resources
Prayer is an important part Christian life. It is through prayer and worship that we come closer to and deepen our relationship with God.
On this page you will find links to some online resources and information about current initiatives that are available.
Praying with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrement
A selection of prayers and meditations for private prayer before the Blessed Sacrement.
Praying with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament booklet can be downloaded here.
From the Introduction to the booklet:
During the coronavirus pandemic, not only have we not been able to receive Jesus in the Eucharist but we have also not been able to enter our churches to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, reserved as a perpetual Presence in our most sacred places.
This has been a cause of great sadness and distress for many of us. We are grateful that we are now able to pray in church again, if only privately, and most importantly before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, either exposed in a Monstrance or before the Tabernacle.
The Blessed Sacrament is a wonderful gift to the Church. When we are moving to a new place, we sometimes leave a token of affection for our loved ones as something to remember us by. Jesus, knowing that He would die on the Cross, gave us the Eucharist, not only as a token of His love, but as the very gift of Himself for our nourishment, a way of staying with us even after He ascended to heaven.
We thank the Lord for this, His wonderful gift. In the Blessed Sacrament, we have the presence of our Friend, our Brother, our King, our Lord, our God; the One who loves us unconditionally. Jesus gives us His totality; how do we choose to respond?
In this booklet you will find some prayers, scripture readings and meditations to help you to pray before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. It is important to leave some time for silent prayer too, to listen to what God might be saying to you.
You might also want to spend some time in intercessory prayer; praying for those closest to you, for the Church and for your parish and your priest, for the world, for those who are suffering from coronavirus and all those who are sick, and for those who have died.
We ask that you follow all the health guidelines in place, both on your journey to church and when inside church.
Finally, we pray in unity with one another that:
O Sacrament most holy; O Sacrament divine:
All praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine.

A Service of Daily Prayer
Monday to Saturdays Morning Prayer is said at 9:00am. Night Prayer (Compline) is said on Saturday evenings at 8:00pm. Both of these services are broadcast on our Facebook page with a link here on our website too.
The text for these services can be found on the Church of England's website where they provide resources for services through the day to follow, either online or by downloading the apps. For more information please click here for more information .
Daily Hope

Daily Hope is a free national phone line and is aimed particularly at the over 75s who don’t have access to the internet. It is available 24hrs a day on 0800 804 8044. Callers will be able to choose from a range of options, including daily prayer, a recording of the Church of England’s weekly national online service, and favourite hymns.