The Family Meal

The Family Meal

The Family Meal

Saturday 19 April 2025, 18:00
St Wulfram's Church, Church Street, Grantham NG31 6RR
£5.00 per person, under 16s free

In a slight change from previous years, we’re having a Family Meal together on Holy Saturday, rather than a Seder Meal.

It’s still very much an opportunity for the whole of our church family to come together to anticipate the resurrection; and all ages are very welcome.

We gather in church at 6:00pm as usual and we’ll share some wonderful food, listening to some acoustic music while we prepare to celebrate the Easter Vigil and Service of New Light at 8:00pm.

We very much hope that you’ll make this a priority, along with all the other opportunities during Holy Week.

Tickets must be purchased before Palm Sunday (13 April) so we know how many people to cater for.

£5 per person to cover costs (children under 16: no charge). Everyone attending (including children) must have a ticket.

Tickets are available on Sunday mornings, from the Parish Office or click HERE to book online. 

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